Thursday, November 1, 2012

1 Year

Our 1 year anniversary was exactly 11 days ago. However it feels like it's been forever, both the length of our marriage and the time that's passed since our anniversary:) We decided to celebrate our anniversary the first week of October because I had fall break and we knew I was not going to miss school to go somewhere, so off we went. But before we headed out Newel just got so excited to give me my present he pulled it out early. I never thought I was much of a jewelry kind of girl but when he pulled out those cute little boxes I fell in love. Then he opened the boxes to show me what was inside, beautiful. But I'm going to make you wait until the end to see what it is. Newel was the trip planner and he took us to Brian Head/Cedar Breaks. I'm still not actually sure if the area is Brian Head or if we were just staying at a Brian Head resort? Here is a run down of our fun activities.
  • Hiking. Until I hurt my foot.
  • Temple Session in St. George. Whitest temple I've ever seen, I also felt like Jasmine at my palace.
  • Discovering fun things in St. George. Brigham Young House, old time candy shop, antique shops, tabernacle building.
  • Watched Aladdin at the Tuachan Theatre.
  •  Eating at weird places. Brian Head area does not have the best places to eat.
  • Playing horseshoes.
  • Reading/sleeping in fishing boats. It was a great last minute activity for a gimp girl.
  • Relaxing in our King size bed. Have to get me one of those.
  • Watched some conference.
  • Went swimming.
I think that covers just about everything for our trip. It was the same place we started our Red Rock Zions race, so it was fun to go back and explore the area more this time around.
For our actual anniversary we decided to stay at our apartment and have a relaxing Sunday. I made roast and attempted English roasted potatoes. They actually turned out quite good, but of course I've never had the real thing. Then we ate the top of our wedding cake. It was disgusting, plain and simple. After that fun adventure we spent the rest of the day just hanging out with each other. I can't believe it's already been a year! Time really flies when your busy graduating, moving, getting jobs, having fun. Now that I list those things I realize I was just a tag along in all those situations, good thing I'm stuck with Newel! It's been a great year, can't wait to see what the next one holds.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Date Night

Friday nights are date night. We're our on our way to getting into the routine of going to dinner and then hanging out. Boring. So on Friday Newel asked me on a date. He planned everything, I just got myself ready and hopped in the car! Off we went to downtown Salt Lake City for a night on the town. We went to dinner at The Garden. I had never been before so it was a lot of fun! You could look out and see the temple. It really does look like a castle! After dinner we went to the Church History Museum. They were having an art competition so we walked around and looked at the art. I wish I could be an amazing artist! (Left) Reminded me of Grandma Oka's quilt, except it was a painting. (Right) was a quilt! Can you believe that, we had to take a picture for Grandma Cusick!

 We walked around the rest of the museum and looked at the exhibits they always have up, but there was so much we'll definitely have to go back! It was a lot of fun I can't believe I have lived in Utah my whole life and I've never been there before! On our way out we walked through the temple grounds. We spent the night holding hands, joking about it being our first date, and having lots of fun.

Monday, August 13, 2012


Lots of lasts this week. Last weekend, last weekend in NYC and I had my last week of school! well at least for a week and then I'm back! It was so great to have that done, I came home from my test, turned on Friends and ate some frosting. Sounds gross I know, but I just needed to do something out of control after my test.
After the long awaited weekend we made our way to New York. A nice guy from the ward drove us down because it was ward temple night so we did a session. It was quite an interesting session to say the least. To sum it all up we got there at 6:45 PM to do the 7:15 session. We didn't get out of there until 10:30 PM. About 4 hours at the temple! It did make me realize how important volunteering to temple work can be, with all the other mishaps not having very many temple workers also contributed to the long session. Maybe when I get some time I'll volunteer in the temple! We hadn't eaten dinner yet because we wanted to wait to go in NYC so we were starving when we got out of there! We dropped our stuff off at the hotel and made our way to the pier by our hotel. We stopped at a seafood restaurant with $40 plates! So we got the cheap hamburgers, not very good. First time we were disappointed. We were also right by a party! The restaurant had a open bar so they were bumpin' the beats and lots of people were partying it up. Dinner at 12:30 AM is not something I think we'll do again.

Our hotel was pretty nice! We slept in, ate breakfast and made our way out to go shopping. We were 10 minutes away from the Seaport Pier where they had lots of shopping, museums, and restaurants. So we went to Superdry! Newel was so excited. We also went to a cute little printing shop where the man there prints his own cards and sells a lot of other cute things. We bought a fun calender I can frame and a magnet. It was fun being there it was a completely different part of New York, not like anywhere else. As we walked to Wall Street we passed by Oka Sushi! I felt obligated to eat there but seeing as it was 11:00 and we had eaten less then 2 hours ago we didn't. Wall street was pretty cool. Lots of cops with big guns. Made us want to go see Bateman again. Newel wanted to do some tours but all are advance tickets. So we made our way to China town. Newel did some bartering and got me a fake watch and we got him a new sock tie since he lost the one from our wedding! After China town we went to time square. In all the weekends we had been to NYC we still hadn't seen Time Square! It of course was full of tourists but it was really cool. The huge screens are just unreal! We walked around the stores and wrote wishes to be dropped on new years. We met up with Katie and Kevin and went to dinner at this yummy Italian place. After dinner we walked along the Brooklyn Bridge. We called it a night pretty early but went out again after resting to get the best gelato in the whole world! Real expensive but real worth it! After watching the Olympics all morning we stopped and got more gelato the next day. We didn't do anything in NY on Sunday we just made our way home. Last time in grand central. It was crazy traveling on Sundays! We spent the rest of our Sunday sleeping, skyping, eating and watching TV. Definitely just rested. 


It was a really good last weekend! Can't believe I'm coming home on Saturday!